Cambodia Team Trip Highlights

Thank you for your prayers and support of our 2024 Cambodia team trip! God immensely blessed our trip, and we couldn’t have done it without you! 

First of all, I want to express my gratitude for our incredible mission partners. The staff and volunteers that serve at our partner children’s homes work tirelessly to care for, educate, and advocate for these special children. They allow us to be part of these kids’ stories, which is a tremendous blessing and privilege.

As I reflect back on the two weeks of our trip, I remember the faces and stories so vividly. These encounters and the relationships built are so difficult to put into words. Instead, I would like to share a few of the highlights of the trip, with photos that capture a handful of these special moments. I hope this gives you a glimpse of the impact you had through partnering with our Cambodia team!

Trip Highlights

  • In a country that is 95% Buddhist, exactly 100 people gave their life to Christ for the first time through 3 separate evangelism-sharing opportunities, led by team member Pastor Stephen Peeples

  • 44 children participated in a guided art project led by team members AGB Bowler and Lavinia Bunyasaranand. Each child drew a mountain range picture of their testimony and expressed the highs and lows in their life as they reflected on God’s hand and how He is guiding them past the trauma and difficulties of their young lives

  • 4 Parent Partners were on the team and spent precious time with their partnered children, including 2 Parent Partners that met the child in-person for the first time

  • Over 50 children were encouraged to share the gospel with their friends and classmates through team exercises designed to share practical evangelism skills

  • 3 worship sessions with our team and Music Director Oliver Rafael - one each with the kids at Bileg, Imparting Smiles, and our Next Steps college students

  • Meals, devotions, fun, and games with the children and mission partners - including taking the kids to swim at the pool, playing soccer, basketball, and volleyball, and several other times of building deeper connections

  • Gifts and love offerings were given to over 60 children and mission partners that we serve. Thank you to everyone who generously donated to help us bless them!

  • We served in two church services, a medical mission, dumpsite mission, and more, as God led our team to be His hands and feet.


Adam Reiley

Director of Operations/2024 Cambodia Team Trip Member