The Heart of a Child

by Sharon Jeffreys, Ministry Coordinator

"When you connect to the heart of a child, everything is possible." Dr. Karyn Purvis

In Matthew 18, Jesus is asked a very interesting question. His disciples wondered, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” I’m not sure what they thought the answer was going to be, but Jesus probably shocked them when he said, “little children.” Actually, he said those who become lowly, like little children, will be able to enter the kingdom of heaven (v. 3). 

Little kids don’t have much authority in their world. They are told when to do everything and even how to do it. Even as adolescents, they don’t have much agency and need to be taught how to advocate for themselves. There are laws protecting minors from making decisions on their own behalf simply because of their age and development.

Jesus asks us to become like this. 

He asks us to humble ourselves, give up our agency and authority, for the sake of entering into the kingdom of God. Welcoming others with similar, humble mindsets in our circles is welcoming Jesus (v. 5). Entering into the kingdom of heaven was actually the transformation of becoming great, but it took a low position to join in this community: the position of a child.

If you have spent any time at all with children, joining them in their world, you know what a carefree and lovely place that is. There are magical creatures that can do anything, attack bad guys with 100% survival rates, and disappear or reappear as the situation beckons. Anything is possible in their world. It is stripped of complication and the only worry is that bedtime will come too soon. 

Connecting with a child brings about the peace of knowing that everything will work out just fine. That you don’t have to bear the weight of the world. You are under the umbrella of a caring Savior who will protect you, care for you, transform you, as you duck under his wing.

Maybe Jesus is calling us to give up our worries and our stress to fully enjoy him and find his love, that brings peace in all circumstances, to rule our hearts (Colossians 3:15). Maybe becoming child-like is possible and powerful in his kingdom.

Maybe, like Dr. Purvis suggested, connecting to the heart of a child makes everything possible.